Support For Teens And Young Adults

By Centers for Disease Control


Some of the questions you might be asking are, “Should I be freaking out about COVID-19?” and “Why can’t I hang out with my friends in person?”. You may be feeling worried, bored, or frustrated. COVID-19 is frightening, and you are not the only one feeling stressed.

While anyone can catch the virus that causes COVID-19 and people of all ages and backgrounds can get severely ill, most people have a mild illness and are able to recover at home. But regardless of your personal risk, it is natural to be concerned for your friends and family or about uncertainty and changes in your daily routine.

There are things you can do to manage your stress.

  • Learn about COVID-19. Knowing the facts and stopping the spread of rumors about COVID-19 can help you feel more in control of what is happening.
  • Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by washing your hands often with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, and avoiding close contact with other people – even your friends. COVID-19 may be spread by people who do not have symptoms. These actions will keep you from getting sick and spreading the virus to other people you care about.
  • Wear masks when you do leave your home to help slow the spread of COVID-19. People who should not wear a mask are children under age 2 and  anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
  • You can be social, but do it from a distance, such as reaching out to friends by phone, text, video chat, and social media.
  • Find ways to relax. Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate. Try to do activities you enjoy, like exercising, gaming, reading or other hobbies.
  • Keep to a schedule. Plan times for doing schoolwork, relaxing, and connecting with friends.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs. These substances can weaken your body’s ability to fight infections and increase the risk of certain complications associated with COVID-19.
  • Talk with someone you trust about your thoughts and feelings.

You may be feeling loss or distress over the changes in your life during this time. There are steps you can take to cope with your grief.


Different life experiences may affect the risk for suicide. For example, suicide risk is higher for those who have experienced violence, including child abuse, bullying, or sexual violence. Feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety, and other emotional or financial stresses are known to raise the risk for suicide. You may be more likely to experience these feelings during a crisis like a pandemic.

You may be particularly overwhelmed when stress is connected to a traumatic event—like a natural disaster or pandemic. Parents and educators can provide stability and support to help you feel better.

There are ways to protect against suicidal thoughts and behaviors. For example, support from family and community, or feeling connected. Reach out to others online, through social media, video chat, or by phone.  Having access to in-person or virtual counseling or therapy can help with suicidal thoughts and behavior, particularly during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about CDC’s work in suicide prevention.

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