Hmong Cultural Center Museum Expands Again!

By Mark Pfeiffer


The Hmong Cultural Center Museum will be expanding in early 2024 with an additional 650 square feet of storefront space! This will give us a total of 2,000 square feet of storefront exhibit space at University and Western Avenues just a few blocks west of the Minnesota State Capitol. Stay tuned for a launch event for our new, expanded museum in the New Year. 

Welcoming New Museum Staff

Hmong Cultural Center is pleased to welcome 3 new staff at our museum. Kaocheneng Yang is our Museum Marketing Specialist. Kingston Lee is our new Museum Tour Guide. Bee Moua is our new Weekend Tour Guide and is covering our new weekend hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Kingston and Kaocheneng are pictured below. 

Citizenship Success Stories

Let’s take a moment to celebrate a fantastic achievement! Huge congratulations to our recent Citizenship class student Va Vue for officially becoming a U.S. citizen! 

Va, your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and it’s inspiring to see you reach this milestone.  Your commitment to being a diligent student and attending classes regularly is commendable, and it’s no surprise that you’ve achieved such a significant accomplishment. 

If you know someone in need of assistance getting their citizenship, please have them contact us at the Hmong Cultural Center of Minnesota. 651-917-9937 or

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