Find Your Happy Place

From Minnesota Department of Health 


1.Focus on what you can control– including your thoughts, behaviors.

2.Remember that you are resilient, and so is humankind. We will get through this.

3.Do what you can to reduce your risk; take comfort that you are caring for yourself and others.

4.Use technology to connect with others frequently.

5.Look for the good stuff; the helpers, time with family, and opportunities to pull together. Write down three things you are grateful for each day.

6.Limit exposure to news or social media updates.

7.Use reputable sources of news, avoid speculation and rumors.

8.Model peaceful behavior for those around you. Remember everyone experiences stress in different ways.

9.Don’t let fear influence your decisions, such as hoarding supplies.

10.Be gentle with yourself and others.

11.Create a regular routine, especially for children and work from home.

12.Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routines to help your immune system and mental health.

13.Spend time in nature while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

14.Reflect on your reactions. Many who have experienced trauma may be triggered by feelings of powerlessness. Understanding what you are feeling can help you consider how you want to respond to the triggers.

15.Practice meditation, yoga, or other mind-body techniques. Find apps or online videos to help.

16.Reach out if you need to talk.

There are local and national hotlines and warmlines that can help! DISASTER DISTRESS HELPLINE 1-800-985-5990‘TalkWithUs’ TEXT 66746 or visit

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