COVID-19 Community Coordinators

By Minnesota Department of Health


COVID Community Coordinators (CCCs) are community-based organizations that connect Minnesota’s diverse communities to COVID testing and resources. It is essential to draw on community strengths and trusted community networks to respond effectively to COVID-19 and to longstanding health inequities made worse by the pandemic.

Coordinators contract with the State to serve communities hit hardest by COVID-19, including communities of color, American Indian communities, LGBTQ communities, and Minnesotans with disabilities.

What COVID Community Coordinators Provide

COVID Community Coordinators support Minnesotans who need COVID-19 information specific to their communities, including in their languages. Coordinators help community members find and get critical resources to deal with health concerns, as well as employment, food access, housing, childcare, and legal rights.

COVID Community Coordinators can answer questions about:

  • Where to get tested for COVID-19
  • Food support
  • Health care and mental health resources
  • Housing and rental assistance
  • COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing
  • Employment resources

Find a COVID Community Coordinator

Disability communities

MDH is partnering with the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to contract with disabilities-centered community-based organizations. We are currently finalizing contracts with 10 organizations who will serve as COVID Community Coordinators for people with disabilities.

The Disability Hub continues to be a valuable resource for information and COVID related needs. For more information call 1-866-333-246 or visit Disability Hub MN.

Immigrant and Refugee Communities

MDH is partnering with the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Refugee and Immigrant Resettlement Network to contract with refugee service agencies across the state. Through the Resettlement Network, DHS provides whole family supports to refugee and immigrant communities impacted by COVID-19.

Hotline number coming soon. Staff speak Amharic, Anuak, Arabic, French, Hindi, Karen, Lingala, Luganda, Mashi, Oromo, Somali, Spanish, and Swahili. Language line help is available for any other language.

Call the hotline for help with:

COVID-19 questions, including where to get tested

  • Connection to all Resettlement Network services, including:
  • Navigating resources and systems to meet basic needs
  • School and vocational coaching
  • Employment services
  • Immigration support to attain citizenship
  • Community orientation and integration workshops

For more information, contact the DHS Resettlement Programs Office at or 651-431-3258.

CCCs can provide help in multiple languages including Spanish, Somali, Hmong, Karen, Arabic, Swahili, English, Burmese, Karen, Karenni, Thai, Vietnamese, Amharic, French, Oromo, and Tigrigna. COVID-19 Community Coordinators help people access resources related to housing, food support, healthcare and mental health, employment, and many other needs. CCCs also provide information about COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and case investigation. COVID-19 Community Coordinators serve Minnesota statewide.

Visit to search for a COVID Coordinator by cultural community, language or county.  Once you find an organization, click on ‘Show Details’ for the organization’s hotline number, contact information and hours of operation.

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