A Message From Joy Tuck, Child Actress And Philanthropist






Being an actor means so much to me! I’ve had some amazing experiences, booked some fun projects and roles and I have huge dreams for my future in entertainment. One thing is certain…Moms have a huge job when their kids are like me — promotion and connections are everything! My mom found Legacies of War on Instagram, and here’s the rest of the story!

I was born in Laos and my birth mother could not take care of me. Lucky for me, my parents were living in Laos and adopted me! I was just 5 days old when I found my forever family and I’ve felt like “the luckiest little girl in the whole wide world” ever since! I have lived in and visited so many places in the world, and thankfully we finally landed in Los Angeles where I can pursue my dream. I love it here!

I found an amazing group of Lao professionals of all kinds here in Los Angeles. The group is called LAOS ANGELES. Through “Laos Angeles” I have met many strong mentors! One of those is also named Joy. DJ Miss Joy and I found each other through Laos Angeles and via Instagram. We have the Joy-Joy connection! 

Giving means so much to me! I’ve always wanted to somehow give back to my birth country and I had just not found the organization that felt “right” for me. I found that DJ Miss Joy was always a promoter of Legacies of War and she, along with my mother, piqued my interest in finding out more. I found the website and learned so much! Legacies of War is EVERYTHING! Knowing that there is unexploded ordnance (UXO) all over Laos (leftover from the “Secret War” during the Vietnam War) that can be cleared but need to still be cleared…broke my heart. Hearing that children and others are still being killed or severely injured by these bombs was unbelievable to me. I knew that I wanted to be part of an organization that was committed to making that right! So, I joined the Lam Vong Circle and I have never felt so happy! Donating monthly to Legacies of War out of my own earnings makes my heart sing! This is something I can do where I know I am actually giving back to my birth country – Laos – and making a small difference for future generations.

Legacies of War works to raise awareness about the HISTORY of the Vietnam War-era bombing of Laos, provides space for HEALING the wounds of war, and creates greater HOPE for a future of peace. I think that’s very special, and I know that is important to me.  www.legaciesofwar.com

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